Spiritual Gifts Class
Sun, Jul 28th 11:15am - 1:15pm
Hoffman Hall
Westwood Presbyterian Church 10822 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90024

In church we often make references to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Now you can discover yours in the Spiritual Gifts class beginning Saturday, June 29, 9:00am— 1:00pm with a brunch in Hoffman Hall. Elder Earl Ellis and Anne Cioffi will lead the class. Childcare is available upon request. We continue the class every Sunday in Hoffman Hall from 11:15am—1:00pm through July 28.   The identification of some of our strengths as “spiritual gifts” is a wonderfully revelatory process that gives us a clearer, more focused understanding of God’s will for our lives and what is expected from us as practicing Christians.  To quote Frederick Buechner, “The place God calls you to…is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”