Faith, Search, and Support
Sun, May 22nd 11:20am - 12:30pm
Room 2
Westwood Presbyterian Church 10822 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90024

Join us for this class on Sunday mornings at 11:20 (time for a cup of coffee after church) in Classroom 3. Masks will be worn. The teaching is by Jack Crossley, Luke Landers, and John Quiring, all holders of doctorates in religion. The book, America’s Unholy Ghosts: The Racist Roots of Our Faith and Politics by Joel Edward Goza, is a fascinating study of the racism at the heart of our British forbears, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith, and others, and how it came across the pond to the political philosophies of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and others, and from there to the churches and political parties of America. It’s highly readable and discussable; you’ll love it.